Saturday, September 15, 2012

             Last Monday, we began our 2012-2013 school year at the Samuel Elijah Prophetic College. Many students were excited after their first class! This semester, SEPC is offering courses such as Prophetic 1, Prophetic 2, Intercessory Prayer and the very popular Apostolic Mentoring.
            In our prophetic classes, students learn about the nature of the prophetic gift, the office of the Prophet and how to discern God’s voice and will in our everyday lives. Students are also taught about the importance of character development for anyone ministering in the prophetic. All of these things are essential for proper and effective prophetic ministry.
            In our Apostolic Mentoring class, students have the opportunity to sit under a spiritual father and mentor, Apostle Ricci J. Hausley and learn apostolic principles and truths that are essential to Christianity and our lives as spiritual sons and daughters. All ministers are encouraged to take this class.
            All teachers and students are looking forward to classes this year! God wants to impart great things through the teachers. It’s caught, not taught! All comments are welcome.