Do you want to hear from God? Is
there a situation in your life where you need direction? Do you simply want to
have a deeper relationship with God? One of the most important things
students learn at the Samuel Elijah Prophetic College is to learn the different
ways that God uses to speak to us. God speaks to His people in a variety of
ways and does so on a regular basis.
During the first year of training at
SEPC, students learn about five specific ways that God may use to communicate
with us: seeing, hearing, feeling, speaking and knowing. Now God’s voice is not
limited to these five channels. He also speaks through His written Word (most
important), creation, godly counsel, and opened and closed doors, to name a
few other ways. However, these specific ways are personal and consistent
expressions in which God wants to get through to us, if we only let Him do
so. God does not speak to everyone in the same way but every believer can hear God’s voice through at least one of
these ways.
One way God speaks to people is
by showing them things. This could either be a mental picture or an open
vision. Dreams also fall into this category. This type of communication with
God is seen throughout the entire Bible from Joseph's dreams to the
visions of Old Testament prophets to the awesome revelation
of John in the New Testament. There are hundreds of examples of dreams and
visions in the Word of God.
The exciting thing is that God
still speaks through dreams and visions today! Acts 2:17 states: "In the last days, God
says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will
prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” God
speaks to people through dreams, visions and mental pictures all the
time. Have you ever seen an image of someone’s face as you were
spending time in prayer? Have you had a significant dream that you couldn’t
stop thinking about? Did you ever see a vision during a worship service? These
are all examples of seeing.
Sometimes people hear God. This doesn't
necessarily mean an audible voice. The majority of the time it is an inner
voice which is very much like a thought, except it is not from your own
intellect. Have you ever had a thought that seemed like it did not come from
you? Maybe it was so profound that you would not think of it on your own? For
example, years ago I got a little lost on the way to a prophetic conference. I
felt compelled to go to this conference and was going on my own. This was
before I had my GPS, which I can't live without now. As I was driving, I heard
the word "Centennial". Soon after, I saw a sign that said "Centennial
Ave". I don't remember how I knew to turn left or right but I made a turn
and came to a familiar landmark that soon led me to my destination. I didn't
know the area at all and would have never thought of that street name on my
God speaks to some people through the sense of
feeling. One may feel a burden for someone by actually sharing in the other
person’s emotional state. For example, some people could feel the anxiety or
distress of another person. Likewise, they may feel a strong burden of
depression. God is speaking to them about the other person through this and is
asking them to take action, which is always a call to intercession in prayer.
God can speak to believers through
speech. For example, a prophet or prophetic minister will often prophesy to
people without seeing or hearing anything. The words that come out of their
mouth are what God speaks to them. They don’t know these words ahead of
Sometimes people just "know"
things. God speaks through gut feelings. I’m sure most of you who are
reading have experienced a time where you just knew something wasn’t
right. It could have been a bad feeling about a person or a
situation. Sooner or later, you found out you were right. There
was no logical explanation for what you were feeling at that moment. You just
knew. That was God speaking to you.
desires to have a growing, active relationship with every believer. Communication is an important part of
every thriving relationship. All believers need to discover the ways God speaks
to them and have a desire to hear from God on a regular basis. The more we
desire and engage in communication, the more God will speak to us.